Worcester Tech Homecoming is an event that happens every year, a day after school at the football fields for students, faculty, and staff to enjoy the fall weather, various clubs, and shop booths, and watch the Tech Eagles take on a football rival. There’s games, sports, and most importantly, food!
Worcester Tech Culinary students made all the food for homecoming. The first year of homecoming they made fried dough and french fries. The turnout of food in the previous years of Homecoming is a lot, over 7 cases and 175 pounds of french fries were made and people were waiting ten minutes just to get fried dough!
At homecoming, the Culinary students and shop teachers Chef Youktetter, Chef Fournier, Chef Casey, Chef McNally, and Chef Layton cooked the food for everyone, and also served it. For this year’s fourth homecoming at Worcester Tech, they made french fries, hot dogs, mac and cheese, and of course Chef Layton’s jumbo chocolate chip cookies! All the food items were $1, or one ticket. 10 pounds of mac and cheese, 150 hot dogs, and 150 pounds of french fries were made for homecoming. Culinary’s food booth for homecoming is always located in the back corner of the event to have room to cook everything and keep everyone safe.
Chef Youkstetter, one of the chefs behind the delicious culinary booth, studied culinary arts at Girl’s Trade Worcester and furthered her education at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York. In April of 2010 Chef Youkstetter decided to work for Worcester Tech because “it’s where I graduated from and I wanted to come back here to teach new culinary students”. Chef Youkstetter is a culinary instructor, advisor for the Outdoor Club, and she also was a class advisor for the Class of 2019. Her culinary skills helped make the Culinary food booth a huge success.
From our overall experience from Homecoming, the food was really good, and everything seemed to be a great hit! Everywhere we looked, there were people with food in their hands, eating and smiling.
The most popular items seemed to be the french fries, chocolate chip cookies, mac and cheese, hot dogs, and pizza, which came from George’s Pizza and was sold by the Girl’s Soccer team.
We both enjoyed all the food we tried at homecoming. Kate had the mac and cheese and it was really delicious, even though she’s lactose intolerant. Hailey had a snow cone that was really flavorful and dyed her tongue purple.
We asked a lot of students and teachers and got a lot of positive reviews for the homecoming food. So many attendees enjoyed what they ate and the choices that they could choose from. There was truly something for everyone!
Ana Giraldo, a sophomore, said, “All the food that I had was great! I definitely enjoyed it all.”
As Juliett Tarnuzzer, Senior said: “The fries are really crispy and good. I had to wait for a while, but it’s worth it.” Freshman student Kyanna agreed: “The fries were so good!”
Jordan Febles, a freshman, said, “The cookie I had was very soft and good and especially big, which in my opinion, is better.”
Overall, homecoming was really fun and the majority of the people that came really enjoyed it. The food was a big hit with plenty of different selections, for example, french fries, and even the famous jumbo cookies that Chef Layton made. The students and professional chefs worked very hard for this day, getting large amounts of food ready in little time.
The food was so good that many people have been craving and bragging about it even after homecoming, plus the people that came from other schools and the community have seen what’s so great about Worcester Tech.