It seems as though an unwanted resident has now made its way into the beloved city of Worcester. Eastern Equine Encephalitis, also known as Triple E, is a rare disease caused by a virus that generally spreads to humans through mosquitoes that are found near standing water and swamps.
Triple E does not discriminate because it affects people of all ages, causing brain swelling and possibly death. This virus outbreak does not occur every year but it seems that the year 2019 has fallen prey to this malicious and nuisance predator. A few people have now died this year in the state of Massachusetts due to this virus. The government has spent millions of dollars spraying aerial spray in areas that are at high risk in MA to try to get the mosquitoes and this outbreak under control.
As if this isn’t bad enough, the homecoming of Worcester Tech was cut short due to the interruption of this pest. After the City of Worcester put a ban on after school activities after dusk, the school worked with athletic directors to move the game to an earlier time, according to Assistant Principal Ms.Stockwell. The activity of these mosquitoes seems to be more active during dusk. That’s probably due to the fact that mosquitoes hate sunlight and prefer wet, cool dark areas. Since they go into hiding during the day time, they’re most likely to be hungrier at night. Hungry mosquitoes lead to more biting of students and more biting leads to a higher risk of the disease spreading.
So, instead of homecoming lasting until about 8 pm like it did last year, administrators were forced to end it at about 6 pm this year. The football game was originally supposed to start at six in the evening but was moved to 3:30 pm, because of the risk of EEE.
Many people came to WTHS homecoming because of the carnival, exciting activities and delicious food, but since the game was moved up, the carnival was also moved to an even earlier time as well. Though it was kind of disappointing for many students that attended the event, one must remember that preventing a virus is better than curing it. Ms.Stockwell stated, “This was not administration’s personal decision as the City and neighboring areas had already put an outdoor activity ban in place.” It may seem disheartening, but it was not anyone’s fault and it was better to have homecoming early than not having it at all.
It’s also best to stay protected from the possibility of EEE. Eastern Equine Encephalitis is not a disease that takes an instant effect in the lives of its inhabitants. It usually takes about two to ten days to finish its victims. When victims contract this foul disease, they start experiencing heavy fever and vomiting. Depending on the person, one might also contract serious diarrhea. The main place that Triple E targets is the human brain. When symptoms get worse, the virus begins to travel to a victim’s brain and cause it to swell. If unlucky, this predator can end up putting its prey into a serious coma. At that point, there really isn’t much that can be done.
The possibility of contracting Triple E is the same as winning the lottery and the fact that only a few people have had it in the entire state is a pretty low probability. However, that doesn’t mean that we should fold our hands and do nothing. So, girls who love showing skin and want to wear their brand new dresses and skirts, I’ll advise you to think twice. The littlest thing counts. Just remember that mosquitoes love the dusky weather so try to keep indoors as much as possible. Stay away from swamps, puddles, and any standing water. Use insect repellents carefully and keep your windows closed to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home. Wear long pants, socks and try to stay cover at all times. The state has been spraying repellents, schools are stopping after school activities after dusk, and it’s time you do your part in staying safe and taking precautions.
All students should always keep in mind that every precaution taken by administration, city and state officials is for the safety and well being of the students. Diseases and virus outbreaks occur all the time and can take a heavy load on victims, and their families. All was not lost, as everybody played their part and tried their best to keep themselves out of harm’s way. Homecoming was still a great success with all the precautions in place. Attendees stayed safe and a great time was had all.