Finance, Marketing and Business Management students from Worcester Technical High School, along with the DECA Advisor and Finance and Marketing Dept. Head, Lauren Hayes, and guidance counselor Erin Macaruso, traveled to Washington, DC November 15 to 17, 2019, for the Ultimate DECA Power Trip, where they received the wonderful opportunity to network with other DECA members from all over the world.
Angelann Gachoka, Sophie Alvarado, Stacia Zoghbi and Litzy Torres had an incredible and enriching weekend further developing their leadership skills, connecting and networking with over 1600 other DECA member students. The students attended several leadership workshops, college and career readiness programs, and they used their marketing, communication, and presentation skills that they have learned at Worcester Tech to participate in an ultimate business roleplay competition. While in Washington, DC, they also had the chance to visit different national monuments, explore different museums and connect in different ways with the amazing city.

These young businesswomen loved the trip and they hope to go again next year. Sophie Alvarado says, “I really enjoyed the trip because it made me open up more to people. When I got to know them, it helped me gain the courage to ask questions and to go up and participate when I was in the workshops. Overall it was just such an amazing experience to have because I learned so much in the workshops and I loved meeting people and sharing experiences together.”