Writing blows you away? Report for The TradeWinds today
Written by Alyssa Morales
Are you good at reporting the who, what, when, where, why, and how of a situation? Do you find yourself excited while writing? Do you ever wish that you could read one of your own articles in The TradeWinds? Well, that wish just came true! You could submit your own writing for the chance of it being published right along with all the other articles. To learn how, just keep reading to learn from the editor of The TradeWinds our very own, Ms. Robichaud!
Picture this, you just wrote your article and are extremely proud of it. You want to share it with others at school but don’t know where to start. Your first question must be who to send the article to. But never fear, contact Ms. Robichaud, who says, “You can propose an idea to me in person or by email, and then email an outline for feedback or a completed article when it’s ready.” Any faculty member or student of Worcester Tech is more than welcome to write for The Tradewinds.
So… let’s say you know only that you want to write an article. No problem! Here are the categories: school events, sports, clubs, academic and shop news, faculty and student spotlights, student issues, local news and community happenings, and anything relevant to Worcester Tech. If you’re worried about articles being published, Ms. Robichaud “will work with students to help them get their ideas and articles to a ‘publishable’ point.” She says, “We can work together to revise and edit writing so that it is accurate and well-communicated to readers. The newspaper will publish well-written and accurate articles.”
On that note, we drop the pen and hand it off to you.
Contact: Editor Ms. Renee Robichaud, RobichaudR@worcesterschools.net