Worcester Technical High School Senior Alexa Bukoski shares how her core subject areas connect to her technical area of Animal Science.
Shop Highlights
Take a Break, Don’t Shake: Shaken Baby Syndrome with Early Childhood
Sophomores Nina Carroll and Ariana Davieau from Early Childhood demonstrate the dangers of Shaken Baby Syndrome and how to prevent it.
WTHS Robotics: How to Wire A Light with a Relay
Worcester Technical High School Robotics students Trey Tankersley and Pedro Rocha demonstrate how to wire a light with a relay.
Hair to Nail it Down with The Cosmo Teachers
Ms. Maltais and Ms. Thompson share their experience and expertise in the Cosmo Salon and classroom.
WTHS Animal Science: From Classrooms to Animal Clinics
Our Animal Science program trains students for their future careers in the field of animal science and educates them on the importance of veterinary care for all animals.
Cosmetology: The Basic Steps of a Facial
Sophomore Cosmetology student Geovana Libardi demonstrates how to perform the basic steps of a facial.
There’s No Such Thing as “Can’t” with the Allied Grant
The Allied Health shop at Worcester Technical High School recently received a generous grant from the Mass Skills Grant Program for $250,000. This grant will be used towards shop equipment, a Sims Lab, and an Anatomage table, and will be shared with the Worcester Night Life Program.
The Auto Tech Shop is Getting Tripp-y!!
James Tripp-Pockevicius, ’05, is the acting department head of the Worcester Tech Automotive Technology shop this year.
Irresistible Animal Science Class Pets Coming Soon!
Animal Science Shop gets pets to work with.
The Feast at Homecoming
Worcester Tech Homecoming- an annual event after school at the football fields for students, faculty, and staff to enjoy the fall weather, various clubs, and shop booths, and watch the Tech Eagles take on a football rival. There’s games, sports, and most importantly, food!