WTHS Animal Science: From Classrooms to Animal Clinics

Our Animal Science program trains students for their future careers in the field of animal science and educates them on the importance of veterinary care for all animals.

The Veterinary Assisting Program at WTHS is currently undergoing a name change to “Animal Science,” but it still has one purpose: to train young adults for their future careers in the field of animal science and educate them on the importance of veterinary care for all animals. Throughout the three and a half years of being in this Worcester Tech shop, students learn everything they need to know, and more, to pass the AVA exam during their senior year to become an approved veterinary assistant. Although many see the shop as all bookwork and no fun, it’s actually a lot more than that. 

One of the freshman and sophomore teachers, Mrs. Emily Eastman, explains to her students, “You are the future of the world. The opportunity to pass on love and respect for animals and the Earth is my main passion.” She teaches about wildlife and exotic animals, as well as the environment. During explore, freshmen learn about sharks, sea turtles, animal conservation, and plastic waste, specifically. Once they get assigned to the shop, freshmen learn about exotic animal enclosures, and animals such as birds and reptiles. 

Mrs. Eastman has had a variety of jobs working with animals, such as, “dog-walking, marine animal rehabilitation, exotic animal husbandry, and educational shows at a local zoo and the New England Aquarium.” Some other job opportunities she encourages her students to explore include husbandry at a zoo or aquarium, conservation, and research. Along with learning about exotic animals, students in the shop will soon be able to work with some, such as ball pythons, hands-on in the classroom. 

“The dynamic of helping students learn, while also helping educate our community about the importance of proper veterinary care and animal husbandry,” is one of the very many reasons, Mrs. Katie Young, a Veterinary Technician and one of the Animal Science teachers, loves teaching in the shop. Mrs. Young teaches the junior and senior students of the shop who work in the Tufts at Tech clinic in the school. Tufts at Tech  is a learning clinic for low income families in Worcester . The belief of many of the passionate teachers, Mrs. Young says, is that “just because someone can’t afford veterinary care, doesn’t make them an unfit pet parent.”

Once in the clinic, “juniors and seniors get hands-on training in all of the essential skills that NAVTA (National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America) requires of a veterinary assistant. Some of these include: running lab work, pre and post-op set up/break down, setting up radiology, taking patient histories, working with scheduling, checking in and checking out patients, and helping assist for general veterinary appointments,” says Mrs. Young. The students’ role in the clinic is important to the success of the facility.  

Mrs. Betsy Hensley, the related teacher for all four grades, describes the clinic as,  “an amazing place for learning and healing… the learning that happens behind the doors from the vet student to the vet assistant is absolutely amazing, and the healing that happens for pets that otherwise wouldn’t get any veterinary care is also amazing.. It’s a very busy place… There’s a lot going on, there’s a lot of people that are there because there’s so many people learning and so many people growing.” 

Mrs. Hensley also explained how freshmen looking to explore this shop may like this shop if they love animals and have an interest in the medical field. During their first year, they learn a lot about education paths for certain careers in the field, felines, and canines. Since this shop is very competitive, freshmen have to do well in all of their explores and list this shop as a first choice in order to be accepted. 

Nothing in life comes easy, so a lot of work has to be put in in order to be successful in this technical area and animal science field. The shop equips students with important life skills that are valuable in any profession they may choose. Students and teachers take a lot of pride in their work of helping the environment and nature, something that is greater than themselves. The hardworking, caring teachers, focused students, and a common love for animals and the planet is what makes the Animal Science Shop at Worcester Tech special and unlike any other. 

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